Friday, March 11, 2011


Today after a conversation with Paty about Polaroids I decided to waltz around the internet to get a way to make my digital photos look like Polaroids, since I'm poor and I can't afford a real Polaroid camera (I will one day though!). The cool thing is, I did find a program that does so, and it is sooooooooooooooooo sweet! Like, really! The name of this miracle from the gods (but only the mythological ones cause they are cool) is Poladroid!
Not only is it adorable looking because the menu is a polaroid camera, but the images come out amazing. I look like a child with a lifelong stock of candy!
Here are some of them:

Doesn't it look sweet on my desktop?
Yup mates, that's the actual program, a camera.

1 comment:

  1. i loved the program sweetie. it's absolutely awesome and i had amazing results, i had marked you on facebook because i really enjoy my first experience!
    thank you for sharing the program with me, it's so awesome! <3 i love you
