Sunday, May 22, 2011

On Stranger Tides

Things have been...hectic to say the least, but I managed to take two hours off to go watch Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and it was awesomeeee. It's not that the movie was something over the top, but I enjoyed it very much.
I will be honest now, don't hit me for it but I happen to not be such a big fan of the Elizabeth/Will thing. Yup, that's right. They annoy me to no end, i don't know why but they do, so as you can imagine I didn't exactly cry a river over them being absent from the latest movie (more like the opposite but shhh).
Either ways, Johnny Depp is epic, Penélope Cruz is epic and the two of them together are even more epic. Explosive duo.
But what warmed my heart the most was Syrena and Philip. They are so cute, but SO cute, forgive my squealing self. Maybe it's the all mermaid/man antagonic relationship or the supposedly impossibility of their love (we homos have a sore spot for the whole Starcrossed-lovers thing), but they managed to portray such a subtle yet intense love that it balanced the fiery passion happening between Jack and Angelica.

I enjoyed it, I did. What about you guys?

See? So sweet.

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