Saturday, January 15, 2011


I had been meaning to write this for a couple of days, but honestly hadn't found the time to until now. Besides, I'm not the type of person who would write about Banksy in 5 minutes, this required some deep thinking and contemplation (you probably won't notice that though because my writing is wacko).

So, Banksy. Banksy, Banksy, Banksy... Do I love that man. I am a huge fan of his works, as the urban art lover and hopefully one-day-to-be urban artist that I am (among many other different designations, I like variety).
He is a very big inspiration to me, considering I am into the whole Stencil Art thing. I, unfortunately, have never sprayed any of my stuff on the streets yet but I hope to one day. Probably when I have a bit more practice at it.

Banksy is so epic he doesn't even need to show his face and still people all over the world venerate him. I think all the mystery adds to his charm!
But truth be told what's really amazing about him is not only his skills as an artist, which are indubitable, but the social criticism in his works. He manages to approach serious subjects with a twist giving them humour. Not many can do that so well.

In all honesty Banksy isn't something that can be explained, he's something that has got to be seen to realize the wonder of it.

P.S: I started writing this before 10 pm. Just thought I should let you know how long it took me ahah.


  1. i was only introduced to banksy a few months ago, i went to discover him after hearing such marvellous things about him and really, i enjoy his work and the way he uses art and urban art - only recently considered part of it - is absolutely fascinating and i agree with you when you say that not showing is face contributes to his charm. he is good, really good. and btw, your writing is amazing darling

  2. Banksy is the sh*t! xD
    Call me a Banksy groupie, but he is awesome! This is not about being a genius, it's about thinking in the right thing for the right place at the right time. But what differentiates Banksy from many others, it's his proactivity. He doesn't wait that other people do it first, he finds a way to do it, and just do it!
    One of my favourite street artists as you know homie ;)

    You can´t be a Banksy, but you can be the best thing ever, you!
    (Learned it with Banksy and other great people)
