Saturday, November 13, 2010

McDonalds + Paranormal Activity 2

Last night, due to a friend's birthday, a bunch of us went out to the shopping to eat some amazing-yet-crappy-as-hell-no-wonder-i'm-getting-fat McDonalds food followed by Paranormal Activity 2. Putting it simply, it was a really cool night. It had it's lows but I'm the type of person to overcome that stuff easily. Can't wait for the next time.
I never thought it could be so amusing to watch a horror movie in the cinema, but apparently Pedro can manage that. Between his girly screams at the littlelest things and naty's "eat the poopoo" in my ear I  guess I'm safe. I won't lie, I'm so playing matchmaker now, Pedro and Texas managed to put my inner hysterical-pre-adolescent girl drooling with their cuteness. I'm so gay.
In my opinion both PA's aren't scary in the least, but "Pussy Hunter" so made the movie worth it. You'll have to see to know what I'm talking about ahah.
Anyway, I see some Harry Potter action in the near distance (and stappled all over the cinema's walls), just hope the film makes justice to the book 'cause let's be honest, many of the films haven't done so. A person can dream right?

Sorry, I couldn't help showing off my glasses *.*
Ps: I love my Paty

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