Sunday, November 21, 2010


Alright, I am very proud of my painting so i'll be showing off. It is rare that I'm this content over a work, I honestly wouldn't change it.
Oh and the original image isn't by me, it's in some poster on the street about a movie festival but i liked it so decided to do my version. Hope no one minds.
By the way, homie, this is the image I told you about. I might do a stencil of it one of these days. And Naty my baby this is the painting I was mentioning.
My first take at acrylic painting. Any good?

PS: I'm still dwelling over what to do in the rest of the canvas. It will stay white for now, I like it white. If I come up with something meanwhile I'll alter it. I wish I had a smaller canvas at home so I wouldn't have to worry about so many empty space, but this was the only size I had.
Oh and the "bad painting" technique is purposeful.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I think I recognize the image. I first that was already a stencil xD Very nice work homie! Really ;)
