Monday, November 15, 2010

Tegan and Sara Quotes

Tegan and Sara - Call It Off

Make sure to click the link and give yourself the pleasure to listen to the amazingness that is Tegan and Sara.
Anyway, in lack of better to do I felt like making a compilation of amazing Tegan and Sara quotes, because everybody knows they are amazing therefore everything they say is equally as amazing. Isn't it amazing how well Tegan and Sara and the word amazing seem to go together?
Ah, enough stupidity from me and on to the quotes.

Sara Quin:
(It's unbelievable how fast she can come up with some crazy ass story on stage)

- “My mom says I suck as a bed partner. I suck in bed…but thats ok, I have other things going for me.”
- “We take it so seriously when people don’t like us or when they say they can’t relate to us. I’m like, “How can you not relate to us? We’re like hearts on a sleeve. How can you not relate to the human condition, you fucking asshole?”
- “I’m not a slut, I’m just, you know, emotionally slutty."
- “I am a giant Gaylord."
- “Anyway, I diagnosed myself..I have a virus and so..uh..I won’t be having sex with anyone after the show… hmm..I’m just kidding, it’s’s not passed like that.”
- “I have standards, you’re a slut.” (Talking to Tegan)
- "I know how I was born and I know that I have no choice. I know it may not show on the color of my skin, but I know it’s in my heart and in my soul." (About being a lesbian)

Tegan Quin:
- “So, the first session, Sara called the therapist a motherfucker. And the second session, I was like on Oprah and I cried and I was all, ‘You hurt me with your words!’ and Sara called me a motherfucker. And the third session we just, like, totally ganged up on April (that was our therapist’s name) and then we had a list, like, we started the session with all the words we weren’t allowed to use. I mean, obviously number one being ‘motherfucker’…”
- “And we’re going to make billions of dollars, and we’re going to buy an island, one of the ones that have unicorns on them. We talk about unicorns a lot because I found out while we were recording the record that I did not understand that unicorns never existed, I just thought they were extinct. And then everybody laughs because everyone’s first thought when they think of a unicorn is the idea that it’s a mythical creature but I didn’t ever think that way. I was just like, it’s a white horse with a horn…”
- “The girl sitting in front of me in homeroom in grade 7th turned around and she said, ‘Oh my god! I totally lost my virginity to my boyfriend this summer to this song!’ and I was like, “We have to do that already?!”
- “I’m pretty sure Sara wrote that song about me. Dressing bad’s like loving you. Sara dresses pretty bad but it’s because she loves me. Even though I hate her. She tries so much to win my love… hey Sara?”
- “I’d say it’s more about not how many people you’ve slept with but do you have an STD.”

Ahh...They brighten my days.

1 comment:

  1. Unicorns forever xD
    Hilarious quotes eheh

    Btw nice song homie ;)
