Monday, November 22, 2010

Tegan And Sara - Nineteen (Acoustic)

This was live guys. Seriously, tell me how many people are this good live?
I can't explain how this song makes me feel, it's just too much for words in the most amazing of the ways.

I felt you in my legs
Before I ever met you
And when I laid beside you
For the first time
I told you
I feel you in my heart
And I don't even know you
And now we're saying bye
Bye, bye
And now we're saying bye
Bye, bye
I was nineteen
Call me
I felt you in my life
Before I ever thought to
Feel the need to lay down
Beside you and tell you
I feel you in my heart
And I don't even know you
And now we're saying bye
Bye, bye
And now we're saying bye
Bye, bye
I was ninteen
Call me
I was nineteen
Call me
Flew home
Back to where we met
Stayed inside
I was so upset
Cooked up a plan
So good except
I was all alone
You were all I had
Love you
You were all mine
Love me
I was yours right?
I was yours right?
I was nineteen
Call me

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter

In the last few days, due to the release in the cinema of the last movie's first part, I've been noticing a certain panic settling on people. And it took me noticing their reactions for mine to finally settle in.
This is really it. Yeah guys it took me this long.
I had been far too absorved in everything to notice that there will really be no book next and the last thing I can long for are these final two movies. That's when I started to panic aswell.
In all honesty I feel like a part of me is missing. I can't imagine what is life without Harry Potter, actually, I can't remember a time without Harry Potter. I know I wasn't so little anymore when it first started but it was love at first sight.
I was this shy, insecure, chubby kid and reading was my life. I spent hours after hours reading, losing myself in the stories. It made me happy, gave me hope that someday my life would be more than this. I was one of those kids who wished with all their life that it was all real and one day it would be my time to go to Hogwarts too.
It was a period in my life of wich I can't remember much, I didn't exactly have best friends who I made plans with, I spent pretty much all my time at home or going out with my parents. Lonely times. The books were my friends, Harry and the rest of the gang were my friends, it was my dreamland. Dreams keep us going right?
And truthfully, deep in my heart I will always keep the hope that there really is magic and one day I will be lucky enough to witness it. But some things are too good to be truth.
Thank you J.K.Rolling for making me dream and creating the books of my life. You made me a better person.


Alright, I am very proud of my painting so i'll be showing off. It is rare that I'm this content over a work, I honestly wouldn't change it.
Oh and the original image isn't by me, it's in some poster on the street about a movie festival but i liked it so decided to do my version. Hope no one minds.
By the way, homie, this is the image I told you about. I might do a stencil of it one of these days. And Naty my baby this is the painting I was mentioning.
My first take at acrylic painting. Any good?

PS: I'm still dwelling over what to do in the rest of the canvas. It will stay white for now, I like it white. If I come up with something meanwhile I'll alter it. I wish I had a smaller canvas at home so I wouldn't have to worry about so many empty space, but this was the only size I had.
Oh and the "bad painting" technique is purposeful.

Photography Workshop

This summer I had the pleasure to participate in a 5 days long workshop, which delt with film developing and photo printing. Of course, it was amazing.
I'm very much into the old-school black and white films. In a way, for me, digital photography lost the old days beauty. I mean I like it, but it's not the same, you know?

So this workshop consisted of mainly this:
Day 1: Pretty much presentations and getting to know the lab, all that usual stuff. Oh and I had a low blood-pressure moment and fainted in the middle of the class, bumping into a table on the way down to the floor. Hight point of the day, it was a pretty kickass first impression. Alright it sucked, but it makes me laugh!

Day 2: We went around São João in couples, taking photos of whatever we felt like. It had been a while since I had had to worry about taking only 24 photos (or was it 36?), which were divided by two since we were two people by camera. Either ways, we took the photos and went back to the base. Done for the day.

Day 3: This was the day the fun shit started. We developed the film and all that jazz. Let me tell you, it is a patience job.

Day 4: We started developing the photos! It is very much fun but the liquids stuff gets boring pretty fast. It's fun nonetheless.

Day 5: The last day (insert sad frown). We finished printing photos, including the bigger ones supposed to go to the exposition (some works were to be exposed in the end of all the summer workshops).

It was a fun week even though the having-to-wake-up-early-every-day-and-catch-the-train-to-be-at-the-workshop-by-ten was sort of tiring. C'mon it was summer, I had been waking up every day after eleven.
It took a while but the exposition was this month and will be in the galery for these few weeks.
This was my work:

The middle one.

Ignore my previous statement, I've managed to put it straight. Yay for me.

I suggested the "ilford film showing" effect. Am very proud of said suggestion.
This was it! I might post some of my other (smaller) photos one of these days.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ricardo Reis

Today (more like tonight, really) I will be talking about Ricardo Reis, who was, for those who don't know, one of Fernando Pessoa's heteronyms.
So, Ricardo Reis followed, among others, a life philosophy called Epicureanism. And what is this Epicureanism you might wonder? Well it basicaly means individual pleasure as a life goal, yet in a moderate way in order not to suffer with possible consequences. That's putting it simply because there's way more bullshit in between.
This same philosophy was present in some of Reis's poems pretty much like this:
He wrote to this girl, Lídia, whom he might possibily have something with, but due to his beliefs wouldn't. He wouldn't hold her hand or get involved in any way other than a platonic way because if he did and their feelings became real, when one day things between them went wrong they would suffer with it.
Well let me tell you what I think of it: down right bullshit.
Ricardo Reis was very much at peace with the though that he would one day die, but even so instead of living his life he would waste it with stupid beliefs such as these. What if they did suffer? What if it all went terribly wrong? At least it would have been better to have lived, and lived well. Ricardo Reis "was" an aristocrat (because as an heteronym he never really existed but in Fernando Pessoa's mind), he could have enjoyed everything so fully, with so little difficulties, yet he chose to sit by a river watching life pass by. All of it just to avoid suffering.
If that's not absolutely idiotic then I don't know what is.

Believe it or not all this talk wasn't for the purpose of bashing Ricardo Reis. It truly wasn't. There was a point I was trying to get at:
Everything we have we will one day lose. Ricardo Reis knew that. That's one thing I will give him credit for. And in the last few days that's been a sore spot for me.
I'm a positive person, a firm believer that we should enjoy everything for as little as it is. But there are times when things that had become good turn bad again, and everything feels even worse than it had first started as. In times such as those even I wish I could be like him, just put myself in a bubble where nothing could affect me, suffer no harm. And that's when I feel like the biggest hypocrite ever, because what moral do I have, really, when in darker times I'm just as eagger for a easy ride?
It get's me thinking about how wrong or right anything can really be, how fast we are to criticize.
I'm glad there is a middle ground.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tegan and Sara Quotes

Tegan and Sara - Call It Off

Make sure to click the link and give yourself the pleasure to listen to the amazingness that is Tegan and Sara.
Anyway, in lack of better to do I felt like making a compilation of amazing Tegan and Sara quotes, because everybody knows they are amazing therefore everything they say is equally as amazing. Isn't it amazing how well Tegan and Sara and the word amazing seem to go together?
Ah, enough stupidity from me and on to the quotes.

Sara Quin:
(It's unbelievable how fast she can come up with some crazy ass story on stage)

- “My mom says I suck as a bed partner. I suck in bed…but thats ok, I have other things going for me.”
- “We take it so seriously when people don’t like us or when they say they can’t relate to us. I’m like, “How can you not relate to us? We’re like hearts on a sleeve. How can you not relate to the human condition, you fucking asshole?”
- “I’m not a slut, I’m just, you know, emotionally slutty."
- “I am a giant Gaylord."
- “Anyway, I diagnosed myself..I have a virus and so..uh..I won’t be having sex with anyone after the show… hmm..I’m just kidding, it’s’s not passed like that.”
- “I have standards, you’re a slut.” (Talking to Tegan)
- "I know how I was born and I know that I have no choice. I know it may not show on the color of my skin, but I know it’s in my heart and in my soul." (About being a lesbian)

Tegan Quin:
- “So, the first session, Sara called the therapist a motherfucker. And the second session, I was like on Oprah and I cried and I was all, ‘You hurt me with your words!’ and Sara called me a motherfucker. And the third session we just, like, totally ganged up on April (that was our therapist’s name) and then we had a list, like, we started the session with all the words we weren’t allowed to use. I mean, obviously number one being ‘motherfucker’…”
- “And we’re going to make billions of dollars, and we’re going to buy an island, one of the ones that have unicorns on them. We talk about unicorns a lot because I found out while we were recording the record that I did not understand that unicorns never existed, I just thought they were extinct. And then everybody laughs because everyone’s first thought when they think of a unicorn is the idea that it’s a mythical creature but I didn’t ever think that way. I was just like, it’s a white horse with a horn…”
- “The girl sitting in front of me in homeroom in grade 7th turned around and she said, ‘Oh my god! I totally lost my virginity to my boyfriend this summer to this song!’ and I was like, “We have to do that already?!”
- “I’m pretty sure Sara wrote that song about me. Dressing bad’s like loving you. Sara dresses pretty bad but it’s because she loves me. Even though I hate her. She tries so much to win my love… hey Sara?”
- “I’d say it’s more about not how many people you’ve slept with but do you have an STD.”

Ahh...They brighten my days.

1 a.m. ramble

(Take into account I wrote this last night at 1 a.m. after a very emotional hour and a half watching the movie Latter Days. I was very sensitive.)

Sometimes I wonder how many people go through this feeling.
Like when they’re out on the street holding hands with the person they love and they suddenly stop and think that, what if the wrong person saw them, what if some wacko crazy lunatic saw them and, I don’t know, killed them.
I feel that sometimes, when I’m out with my girlfriend. I don’t think I ever told that to anyone, but I do, and even she thinks I’m just being a scaredy cat because it’s dark and I’ve seen way too many scary movies but, it’s no demons or ghosts or whatever kind of monsters I’m scared of, I’m scared another human being just like me might see it and not only dislike it but hate it, and not be right in the mind and take it into its own hands to “fix” it. I’m scared of being beaten or raped or even killed just because I’m holding her hand, and that doesn’t stop me in the least and I’ll keep doing that forever if I can but it makes me think, it gets me thinking every time I hear about anything that is relative to homosexuality and death, it gets me thinking it could be me but thankfully isn’t, thankfully I have an amazingly supportive family and friends who love me and back me up nonetheless, maybe even more than if I was straight.
I consider myself lucky and it honestly kills me to know many aren’t half as lucky. It gets me crying like a baby completely lost in the world (and believe me, that's sad). I feel so ungrateful at times, I seem to forget the pain and the suffering of those who had to fight for all the rights I now have. For fucks sake, I can even marry right now. And I wish I could thank each one of the people who made it possible and take them in my arms and fix all the harm that was done to them. Harm that was done just so that I, like many other to come, could enjoy the acceptance I have nowadays, could live my life without fearing death penalties and such.
I hope that someday I can do my part…

(I can't credit because I honestly don't
know where I got this beautiful photograph.)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

McDonalds + Paranormal Activity 2

Last night, due to a friend's birthday, a bunch of us went out to the shopping to eat some amazing-yet-crappy-as-hell-no-wonder-i'm-getting-fat McDonalds food followed by Paranormal Activity 2. Putting it simply, it was a really cool night. It had it's lows but I'm the type of person to overcome that stuff easily. Can't wait for the next time.
I never thought it could be so amusing to watch a horror movie in the cinema, but apparently Pedro can manage that. Between his girly screams at the littlelest things and naty's "eat the poopoo" in my ear I  guess I'm safe. I won't lie, I'm so playing matchmaker now, Pedro and Texas managed to put my inner hysterical-pre-adolescent girl drooling with their cuteness. I'm so gay.
In my opinion both PA's aren't scary in the least, but "Pussy Hunter" so made the movie worth it. You'll have to see to know what I'm talking about ahah.
Anyway, I see some Harry Potter action in the near distance (and stappled all over the cinema's walls), just hope the film makes justice to the book 'cause let's be honest, many of the films haven't done so. A person can dream right?

Sorry, I couldn't help showing off my glasses *.*
Ps: I love my Paty